Help! I Need Somebody! (To Volunteer for WordCamp Birmingham)

Howdy! We wanted to take a second and ask for a favor. You see, organizing a WordCamp is like raising a child — it takes a village. And we want you to help babysit for a while.

Or something like that.

Either way, we'd love for you to be a volunteer for WordCamp Birmingham this year. We need folks for both days — August 4 and 5 — so if you're available, let us know! And if you're available on August 3rd, too? Awesome. You can help us set up Camp!

We have a form ready for you to fill out on our Call for Volunteers, and it's chock full of fantastic info about what we need so you can pick where you want to spend your time. And y'all, we need everything, so no matter what your specialty is, you're gonna fit right in.

What We Need:

– Setup/Clean Up
– Registration
– Room Emcee
– Photography
– Room Runners
– Happiness Bar
– Food/Beverage
– All Purpose

You can read detailed descriptions of each volunteer role here, too.

What's In It For You?

Isn't it enough to just have the satisfaction of knowing that you've given back to a community that truly loves you? It is, but we want to give you something else, too.

Every volunteer will get a free #wpyall t-shirt, as well as a promo code for a discounted or free WordCamp Birmingham ticket. If you volunteer for half a day, you get a half-off discount. If you volunteer for a full day, you get a full-price discount!

How cool is that? Yep, I hear ya. Pretty cool.

We Can't Wait to Work With Y'all

We really do appreciate all of you. Your support means everything, and none of this would be possible without you.

If you can lend a hand in any way, we would love to have you. And if you can bring a friend…that's even better! So spread the word, sign up, and let's make WordCamp Birmingham more spectacular than it's ever been.